Sunday, February 25, 2018

Coffee Talk

 There is generally some left-over coffee on the weekend.  Today, I made the rest of it into iced coffee to bring to work.  Along with the coffee, I added a tablespoon of sugar, some Giradelli cocoa, and a couple of ounces of milk.  While I was at it, I crushed in a dairy digestive tablet.  I am generally fine with 2% milk, but sometimes I flirt with lactose intolerance.

It is worth it to save coffee grounds.  I put them in a jar and keep them next to the sink.  The grounds make an excellent scrub -- and are biodegradable too.  Some scrubs are not and that causes problems for municipal water treatment facilities, not to mention the environment.
After a good scrub and rinse, all you need to do is slather on moisturizer -- which I also keep by the sink.  Alas, I don't have model-like manicured hands, but they end up nice and soft afterwards.  While I would love a manicure, the amount of work I do around the house would mess my nails up after just a day or so.  I'll stick with my no-frills approach and feel good about giving the grounds a second life.