Sunday, May 28, 2017

Dog Update

The dog is doing absurdly well after her major orthopedic surgery.  At four weeks, she's walking almost normally and we've let her have access to the couch.  By the guidelines we were given, this is a no-no.  But then, she should also just now be putting full weight on the leg -- which she has done from the start.  Ignoring all time-lines of recovery, she has gained full range of motion, can raise up on her hind legs and pulls like an ox when we take her on walks.   As for walking, she gets eight blocks two to three times per day, and we can increase that.

The PT guides mentioned getting her to walk in circles and figure-8's around week 6, and she's been doing all sorts of maneuvering -- backing up, sitting, standing, hunting for toys, that the exercise is basically futile.  She just moves around like normal -- minus the sad limp she used to have.  In fact, she is doing so well that I am scared that we did something wrong and will get in trouble for not moderating her movement more.  We are not letting her upstairs, just the few steps in and out of the house. So there are still restrictions.

She goes back for an x-ray on June 7th.  They don't want her to swim until 14 weeks out -- but I don't know if we can wait that long.  She is going crazy from the lack of activity and not seeing people that she is bonkers on our walks and we have to watch her in the yard because she decides to start tearing around in circles.  I just hope I have an easy time like this after my knee surgery!

There is still strength to recover and we are working on getting her to place the leg normally.  When it was weak, she held it away from her body for more stability.  We are working on getting her to place her weight evenly.  But all in all, I consider the surgery a success.  There is a big bill to pay for it this month, but once that is behind us, all I want to think about is the future.

She and I did stay home for the long weekend because there are too many temptations at camp and the car ride would be a problem too (she likes to stand the entire way).  Hopefully we can all go together on the 4th of July.  But for now, we are doing fine at home.


  1. Some people recover remarkably well. Maybe she is a recovery wonder! However, it seems pulling when she walks would be a great problem for recovery. You can train her not to pull. I have seen the dog whisperer do I am glad all seems well with her.

    1. She doesn't pull until she sees a person, and then it's crazy. She has been trained to walk on leash but when the urge strikes her, I need to be prepared! The main issue is lack of activity so things that she used to be able to take in stride are now super exciting. I wish I could get that excited by meeting strangers!

  2. She is determined to get back to life as usual. What a strong spirit. How wonderful. :-)

    1. Don't you wish you could look at the world through dog eyes??? At least I know yours and mine are eternal optimists!

  3. I'm glad she's doing so well. She can definitely walk farther than I can. :) One of my dogs went to the vet (routine) this morning and always stands up in the car. I'm always telling him to sit down and relax.

    1. We are going to try to use a large board in the back so there is more stability and put a memory foam pad on top of it. If it is stable and cushy, I hope she will be inclined to settle down. Hope your vet visit didn't = $$$!
